A Year of Action, This is PT. MEA’s Commitment to Maluku


AMBON, SPEKTRUM – After one year of work, the Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT. Maluku Energi Abadi (MEA), which is a holding company, has succeeded in carrying out various innovations for the progress of Maluku development.

This is done in accordance with Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2020 which lists all the duties and responsibilities of PT. MEA.

“This is important so that the entire community knows what work PT. MEA,” stated the President Director of PT. MEA Musallam Latuconsina told reporters in Ambon, (23/11/2021).

As a holding company, PT. MEA has several business fields, namely :

Upstream Oil and Gas Business Sector

For businesses in the Upstream Oil and Gas sector, it is related to the management of the 10 percent PI in the three blocks of the Maluku working area, namely the Masela Block, Bula Block and Non-Bula Block.

“All progress has been made and currently the most progress is in the Bula and Non-Bula Blocks. Why are you being chased.? because these two blocks are already in production. Because after the 10 percent PI stage is complete, Maluku Province through the BUMD PT. MEA can get results as soon as possible,” said Musallam.

The two operating companies, continued Musallam, for the Bula Block, namely PT. Karlez and the Non-Bula Block PT. Citic Seram which is located in the East Seram Regency (SBT)

Specifically for the Masela Block, said Musallam, PT. MEA will pursue some ‘obstacles’ and is currently still in stage VI.

“As for the Bula and Non-Bula Blocks, we are in the progress of due diligence or the two operating companies must open the data for evaluation and review so that it can be seen how many results can be obtained by the Maluku Province through PT. MEA,” he explained.

In addition, Musallam admitted that his party is coordinating with the producing districts, because for the 10 percent PI in the Bula and Non-Bula blocks, the Maluku province portion is 50 percent according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation and 50 percent for producing districts. “It’s according to the rules,” he said.

As for the Masela Block, because of its location in the middle of the sea or more than 12 miles in the middle of the sea, the management or receipt of 10 percent PI according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree is left to the Maluku Provincial Government.

“And the Maluku Provincial Government appointed a BUMD PT. MEA to receive and manage the 10 percent PI,” he explained.

Regarding the information that the Tanimbar Islands Regency (KKT) and others will receive a portion, it is understandable if it is in accordance with the applicable regulations.

“According to the rules, if it is above 12 miles belonging to the province, if there is a change, we will wait for the amendment to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation, but before there is a change, we will continue according to the rules,” he said.

Energy Business

In addition to working in the Upstream Oil and Gas sector, PT. MEA is also engaged in the Energy Business which will be very beneficial for the people of Maluku because it is related to the energy needs in Maluku.

“Especially for gas. Maluku has gas potential in Masela but its production will be in 2027 or 2028, while there is gas potential on Seram Island which happens to be in the Non-Bula working area,” explained Musallam.

According to him, the discovery of gas at the location since 2012, and has not yet been glimpsed.

“Maybe no one is concerned or thought about, but the question is why there is gas but it is left alone. And after the existence of PT MEA, the presence of this gas source was conveyed to PT Citic Seram, “said Musallam.

Mineral and Mining Business Sector

PT. MEA is also making an inventory of areas that have mining and mineral potential. The main mines owned by Maluku are on Buru Island, namely Mount Botak as well as the Nickel Mine in West Seram Regency (SBB).

In addition, the potential for rock and sand mining of Group C is very useful.

“During the Ambon New Port and National Fish Barn projects, PT. MEA will participate in the project, especially for the supply of electrical energy,” explained Musallam.

Because it is certain that these two giant projects will require enormous gas and energy.

One thing that needs to be noted, continued Musallam, is that everything PT. MEA is a commitment to build the economy and prosper the people of Maluku. (HS-16)

Source : https://spektrumonline.com/2021/11/23/setahun-berkiprah-ini-kimitmen-pt-mea-untuk-maluku/

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